Our News

Development of New Transitional Residence for Homeless Families in the Bronx

Development of New Transitional Residence for Homeless Families in the Bronx

Development of New Transitional Residence for Homeless Families in the Bronx

S:US was awarded a $13.5 million contract by the NYC Department of Homeless Services to develop and operate a stand-alone transitional residence for homeless families with children in the Bronx.

Consumer Perspectives: Peers and Recovery — Models for Success

Consumer Perspectives: Peers and Recovery — Models for Success

Consumer Perspectives: Peers and Recovery — Models for Success

Individuals served by S:US reflect on the tools and services that support their journey to recovery.

Metropolitan Commercial Bank Volunteers at S:US Housing Shelter

Metropolitan Commercial Bank Volunteers at S:US Housing Shelter

Metropolitan Commercial Bank Volunteers at S:US Housing Shelter

Bank employees volunteer and serve lunch at S:US housing shelter

Board member, Andrew Zimmern, tells his story

Board member, Andrew Zimmern, tells his story

Board member, Andrew Zimmern, tells his story

As a proud member of S:US Board of Directors, I will be sharing my story with you to demonstrate how even the most difficult of circumstances can be overcome with the right supports.

Urban Farmer Inspires Health In Others

Urban Farmer Inspires Health In Others

Urban Farmer Inspires Health In Others

Volunteering and working in the S:US Urban Farms inspires Valerie to make healthier choices.

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