Our News

Direct Support Professional Recognition Week

Direct Support Professional Recognition Week

Direct Support Professional Recognition Week

Happy Direct Support Professional Recognition Week to the Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) at S:US and everywhere!

Families Displaced From Midtown Shelter To Make Room For UWS Men

Families Displaced From Midtown Shelter To Make Room For UWS Men

Families Displaced From Midtown Shelter To Make Room For UWS Men

More than 150 families in Midtown's Harmonia shelter are being booted out with little warning to make way for men from the Lucerne Hotel.

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Suicide is a significant public health issue. The entire month of September carries a simple, potentially life-saving message: suicide is preventable.

Support S:US While You Shop!

Support S:US While You Shop!

Support S:US While You Shop!

Amazon donates 0.5% of purchases made on Amazon Smile to S:US. You can support S:US and the people we serve while you shop!

Con Edison grant supports S:US Urban Farms

Con Edison grant supports S:US Urban Farms

Con Edison grant supports S:US Urban Farms

The Con Edison funding will support S:US Urban Farms' program expenses, including wages paid to S:US program participants.

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