Our News

Batter Up

Batter Up

Batter Up

S:US Day Habilitation individuals compete in weekly softball games.

Mary Shatters Stereotypes

Mary Shatters Stereotypes

Mary Shatters Stereotypes

In honor of Black History Month, we're sharing a story from Mary, who has lived at an S:US residence for people with I/DD for many years.

Landscape Design & Employment Readiness Trainings

Landscape Design & Employment Readiness Trainings

Landscape Design & Employment Readiness Trainings

S:US day habilitation participants learn about horticulture and gain employable soft skills.

FY 2021 Budget Includes More Funding for the Homeless Housing Assistance Program

FY 2021 Budget Includes More Funding for the Homeless Housing Assistance Program

FY 2021 Budget Includes More Funding for the Homeless Housing Assistance Program

The FY 2021 Budget doubles funding from $64 million to $128 million for the Homeless Housing Assistance Program and invests $5 million for projects for homeless veterans.

A museum visit inspired by a lifelong passion

A museum visit inspired by a lifelong passion

A museum visit inspired by a lifelong passion

Encouraged by S:US staff, Henry delved into his love of buses.

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